Marty Whelan And Those Tesco Radio Ads.

Lex Foutish

Registered User
Does Marty drive anyone else absolutely bananas in the Tesco ads he does on radio? He announces the current deals, repeats them in a way that expresses amazement at how good they are and finishes off with a sort of Smart Alec line to make it sound better still. And there are new ones every few days.

On a point of principle, I never shop at Tesco, but these ads are slowly pushing me over the edge.....
You know I genuinely feel sorry for poor Marty! I remember in the late eighties and early nineties he fell on hard times and existed for a few years on "Daz Sandwitches". Recently his voice seems to have failed but then recovered again in recent months. I think the poor divil should be given a chance to make a living even if it is with dodgy Tesco ads.

Very fair point, Aj. He almost lost everything by moving to Century Radio (?) when he did. And I am happy that he has made a comeback and is making a living. But I absolutely cringe every time I hear one of those ads!

On reflection, and having read your post, maybe my problem is that I'm deeply embarrassed for him! (Have you ever thought of taking up counselling on a full time basis?)
remeber before Gerry Ryan died, his show was to be sponsored by tesco, but Marty still did the voice overs....