Marsham Court - Stillorgan


Registered User
Anyone know Marsham Court in Stillorgan ?

Its a great location and there is a large green area beside the estate....I am concerned that there might be loads of older kids hanging around at night and using the estate as a walk through.

What do you think ?
We rented there for a few months once, but it was many moons ago (1992). Still, given the location, I'd imagine you'd be talking about a 'better class' of corner boy/street loiterer. It would only be a convenient walk-through for someone going from Leopardstown/Stillorgan to the Lr Kilmacud Road or vice versa. Hardly 'Mean Streets'.
talking about a 'better class' of corner boy/street loiterer. Hardly 'Mean Streets'.


I had heard that there were groups of lads that came from different areas to hang out and that some of the residents have experiencedsome minor vandelism on their properties....I suppose green areas have thier good points (great for kids to place) and negatives...will attract young people at night. In fairness though most of them are harmless...I used to 'hang out' in the large green opposite where I lived...there could have been up to 30 of us and the most we got up too was seeing which one of the lads could spit the furthest....!

There does nto seem to be many kids in the estate which is strange given its proximity to the local schools
I used live across the road from Marsham Court, never saw any trouble really. Like was said above, would be the occasional group of kids hanging around but where doesn't that happen? Its a great area to be in though.
Back when I was a teenager, admittedly, the 'Redesdale boot boys' had a pretty fearsome reputation.
But I think the Mount Anville Residents Association managed to bring the situation under control eventually...
I used to live there a few years back and it's a very quiet, settled area. The estate is very well kept. Some kids hung around at the weekend, but I never saw any problems. Luas is quite close and 46A not so far either on the other side. Only downside is the noise insulation in the houses themselves and also, gardens are mostly extremely small.
I live close to there. I worried about the same sort of thing, but haven't had any problems. We get a lot of walkthroughs (there are a lot of paths connecting the streets) but rarely do we hear anything at night.
Thanks for all the replies......Alias, all the estates up there seem to be connected with walk throughs so its good to hear you have had no issues. My other concern is that there are not many children in the estate. I spoke to a few different residents and they tell me its all single people, rented houses or retired couples. Maybe its because the houses are on the small side ??
My husband's parents live there (he grew up there). We're over with them fairly regularly and there's never been much trouble at all. The houses are pretty small as are the gardens, I would agree. But it's a great location. Walkable to the 46A and near to the Luas as well. I seem to remember something about wing mirrors being vandalised once but that's about it. Around them are mostly older couples (55+). There's a house going for sale there on myhome for €600k which reflects the location as opposed to the size of the house....still I wouldn't say no (although it would amount to an "Everybody Loves Raymond" type of situation )

I spoke to a few different residents and they tell me its all single people, rented houses or retired couples. Maybe its because the houses are on the small side ??
At the time we rented there, we had two young kids, but we knew we were only going to be staying a few months before moving (away from Dublin altogether, as it happens). But yeah, I did notice that a little. The only two other families we met whose kids were of an age to play with ours, i.e. pre-school age, were also waiting to move into (presumably bigger) homes...

That said, they don't stay small for long and, as others have pointed out, it's a great location for when they're a bit older.