married person sole application


Registered User
Very confused over this i keep reading that you have to apply for a mortgage as joint application when married however three people i know have recently applied and gotten approval as sole applicants and are married and they are owner occupier mortgages and the bank have not asked a single question about their spouses and yes the bank know they are married
I can't believe this!!! It goes completely against the FHPA requirements! What bank in its right mind would sanction such a loan. If anything went wrong they could never recover their security as the non owning party would have a counterclaim to the property!!!
Very odd, most bank policy is family home and married = joint mortgage. Are you 100% sure you are being told the truth about all details of the cases
Im gonna check with these people again when i rang a bank recently they told me i had to apply with hubby ...
Holly you have got to have this wrong. No bank will allow you to borrow on the family home without the spouse being included.

In addition due to the FHPA even if a bank were to allow this, the spouse would have to sign a document.