Married person(s): 1 spouse working VS both working



Last year I received tax certificate for married and 1 spouse working.
After that my wife got a job, but only for some time.
During she was emloyed we both received tax certificates. For me it was the second one for that year.
The new certificates were for married and both working.
Some time after that my wife stopped working. She only used part of her personal/PAYE credits.
My question is:
How should I be taxed? Which band is relevant to me now? and if can I use her left tax credits?
Now that we are into a new tax year you should both be issued with a new certificate of tax credits. If you have not received it you can phone the Revenue PAYE hotline (1890 33 34 25) to find out what your tax credits are. and request all tax credits (including your wifes) are allocated to you. If your situation changes during the year you can simply call the tax office again to re-allocate your wife's credits back to her.

If you are unsure that last year's tax credits were correctly allocated you should request a P21 Balancing Statement from Revenue for you and your wife. This will state whether you have overpaid tax or not for 2008.
[broken link removed]
take you new balancing statement and pop the new figures in to the above tax calc to figure out your taxes for the year