Married Couple - one income


Registered User
Hi, I'm a bit confused with the treatment of tax for married couples when only one earns income. Currently we both work, I earn €95k and my wife earns €27k. We want to start having kids and so my wife wants to become a full time mother. Looking at the revenues website and some posts on this websie, it appears that I won't pay any less tax than I'm currently paying - we're currently assessed under joint assessment -can that be right? I always presumed that I would get another €23k at the reduced rate of 21% instead of the top rate at 40%. Thanks to anyone who can confirm this for me....
I know some of her tax credits are non transferable (I think its 15000) the rest she can give to you and yes this will increase the ceiling for you reg the lower rate. If you ring the tax office they can do that for you over the phone. they are very helpful. Best of luck with the kids we have a five month old and i am giving up work as well. tell your wife to keep the job open as long as she can (take unpaid leave and parental leave) if they are paying any benfits. My company pays all BUPA for me, hubbie and baby so I am not saying I'm leaving until i have to give a weeks notice after about 16 months leave. Once she starts unpaid maternity leave change the credits.