Marriage, the year of separation


Registered User
Just a question.
So in the year a couple separates it states on revenue that after the date of separation that the assessable spouse will continue to be assessed with the married rate band and credits.
Also that the non assessable will be taxed as a single person and get the single rate band after the date of separation

So as I am the assessable spouse I have the rate band at 44k and credits.
Will I keep that band for the remainder of the year?
and will my wife’s band increase to the single persons band 35k?

So she gets an increase in band and I keep the band for the remainder of the year.
Is this correct?
Thanks for the reply
So when we change it in January it will stay like that for the year?

If that’s the case it’s basically a big band increase for the year ?

I presume she can also apply for the SPCCC credit?