Marriage separation and abusive wife


Registered User
Hey everyone, I would really appreciate your help on this one.
This is not happening to me, but i would still like your help, knowledge and experiences, please.

Married couple decided to go through separation
Husband is a victim of 18 years of severe mental abuse
(manipulation and control)
1 child
1 house (mortgage fully paid by the husband, wife no contribution)
Wife worked, then homemaker since child being born, now started business as a childminder (running it from the house)
Husband had business but it fell apart due to recession, so now has great struggles financially and not able to make money anymore as he used to.
All bills paid by the husband, wife no contribution.
Wife only contribution is to buy weekly food shopping.

Selling the house would be the absolute last possible option
(since the value of it dropped tremendously)

My question is what is the husband's rights and obligation' towards her.
Does he has to leave the house, or does she due to her abuse towards him.

If he was to leave the house, wife is looking for husband to continue paying all the bills and everything else even if he moves out of the house.

I think that is not correct, so I am asking please what is he suppose to pay under this scenario, so he is not ripped of.

And what are his rights in this situation.

Appreciate all the help. Many thanks
What age is their child?

TBH, the best thing in the long run may be to sell the house, split the profit and go their seperate ways as much as anything.
The best solution is a mutually agreed one, through mediation if possible.
He doesnt get preferential treatment, ie to stay in the home due to being manipulated or controlled. A Judge wont be interested unless the child is in danger.
The wifes contribution as being a homemaker will be as equally valued as his as bread earner.
Everything as Terrysgirl states, depends on the age of the child. If she is a minor, chances are the wife gets to stay in the home until the child finishes her education, and dependent on affavitt of means, the husband will have to pay maintenance.
It could get very messy and expensive. If you have either of their ears, advise them to seek mediation.