Marriage in Registry Office


Registered User
Has anybody got advice on marriages in Ireland by Civil Ceremony or Registry Office (same thing I think!)? If so, what process do you have to go through? Thanks.
Almost 10 years ago now, but really very simple.

The main thing I remember was that you have to be living in the jurisdiction of your office for a minimum period (a few months only I think)

Other than that 2 witnesses, birth certs maybe...etc... nothing unusual AFAIK.

Just contact your local office and they will be able to advise.
You have to give the 3 months notice of marriage required by law - (this goes for all marriages, not just registry office) - but you do not necessarily know the exact date at this stage, just that the wedding will be a min of 3 months after you submit the paperwork. You then have to meet with the Registrar in person when the 3 months is up & give birth certs, proof of address etc. Date of the wedding is usually set at this time and can be anytime afterwards, subject to availability of registrar etc.

Registry Office will supply you with forms etc. you need and tell you when and where to send them.

One thing to bear in mind is that Registry Office weddings have become a lot more popular in recent years due to the dramatic rise in the number of people getting married abroad and this is causing some delays with waiting lists of months in some areas, so advice is do the paperwork early. Usually people getting married abroad have a civil ceremony a few days before they go abroad (just couple and 2 witnesses & guests at the wedding abroad are not even aware of this) and the foreign ceremony is just a religious one. The reasons being that (i) its better to have your legal paperwork in english in Ireland, (ii) in many countries e.g. France, a religious ceremony has no legal status, therefore they need to do a seperate civil ceremony anyway and (iii) in some countries (some non-EU), weddings do not necessarily conform with the legal requirements to recognised as married in Ireland.
Thanks for all the links and advice. I'm not even engaged yet, but it is just something I am thinking about for the future. Not into the big white wedding day myself!
Have you ever been to a registry office wedding? (not trying to be smart in any way here). It is definitely more low key than church wedding. I went to one last year, the whole thing was over in 12 mins (so another guest told me) and there were people queuing outside to get in for the next wedding. Just to be aware of how different they are, and if that is what you are looking for then it is a very handy option
the law has been changed recently to allow for having civil weddings outside the registry office (hotels etc). Was at one recently in a hotel and teh couple had the room done up, music and readings (non-religious of course). Much nicer than the registry office option, I think, but still not so much fuss as the whole church ceremony.