Marketing advice for software company


B & G

I have recently set up a company to sell a software product to small and medium sized manufacturing companies. I am finding it difficult to reach my target market. I have a website which I thought would be my main source of business but it is getting almost no hits. I have started to optimise the site to improve the google page rank, so hopefully that will improve things.

I have considered newspaper advertising but my budget is small and I'm not convinced that it will reach my target market. I am considering direct marketing (mail shots) but am not sure if this will work either.

Is there anyone out there that has tried to reach the same target market as me?? All advice welcome. Thanks.
I have recently set up a company to sell a software product to small and medium sized manufacturing companies. I am finding it difficult to reach my target market. I have a website which I thought would be my main source of business but it is getting almost no hits. I have started to optimise the site to improve the google page rank, so hopefully that will improve things.

I have considered newspaper advertising but my budget is small and I'm not convinced that it will reach my target market. I am considering direct marketing (mail shots) but am not sure if this will work either.

Is there anyone out there that has tried to reach the same target market as me?? All advice welcome. Thanks.

I have had to target specific markets in the past (admittedly not your market) and I have found the direct marketing 'list brokers' to be very efficient at isolating specific company types.

You just supply them with your spec "Manufacturing companies with X number employees" and they can supply you with a nationwide/regional list of contact addresses (also phone numbers if you want to try some cold calling). You'd be looking at a rough cost of €300 for 1000 companies. Mailing costs are additional.
Thanks for the reply Gianni..I have no problem getting company names and addresses and contact names as a lot of this info is available on the web.

Did you find that sending mail shots to companies was effective?? I know from my own experience a lot of that stuff goes in the bin...
Thanks for the reply Gianni..I have no problem getting company names and addresses and contact names as a lot of this info is available on the web.

Did you find that sending mail shots to companies was effective?? I know from my own experience a lot of that stuff goes in the bin...

I have worked at something similar, i found that getting yourself infront of people with a demo has been the most successful route for me, after half a dozen installations the word of mouth spreads and they start to approach you,

You do need to build awareness and a mailshot will get the name out there however unless they are actively seeking new software they wont hunt it down, a demo works on the people who may not be active but wonder if there is something better out there