Marians show on RTE this am mentioned a site called "Cora" but I cant find it.


Marians show on RTE this am mentioned a site called "Cora" but I cant find it.

Does any one know what the tech guy was talking about?

He also mention a site called pinterest, has any one used this?


Its at 1:38:48 and he says "its called Cora and its a Questions and Answers site".

He also mentions stumbleupon which is a marvellous site/service.

I thought you might have used the "O" as a diversionary tactic.
I use Pinterest. I just use it to 'pin' things I am interested in:
Books I want to read, decorating ideas, recipes, art, photography, crafts and interesting websites or blogs, the list is endless. I use it to refer to for new ideas in my art related profession
You can follow people on Pinterest as well and so can browse through their 'pins'.
I use it to refer back to for my art related profession.
It might not be for everyone, but I like it.