Marginal exemption relief for 2004


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HI all

Can anyone help me out with a calculation for marginal releif for Tax year 2004 ?

Working on the enclosed total earned 39011 , over 65 and married , credits amount to €410 (age) , €3040 (personal) and €1040 (PAYE) but i think that marginal relief may apply but i have never used it.

Can anyone help with the calculation ?
Taxed under normal System:
Total Income 39011 @ 20% = 7802.20
Less total credits: 4490.00
Tax liability 3312.20

Taxed under Marginal Relief:
Total Income: 39011
Less Exemption: 31000
8011 @ 40% = 3204.00

Marginal Relief is therefore more beneficial.

Just phone your local revenue office and ask them to deal with a P.21 for 2004. If you were in receipt of income from social welfare for 2004, verify with Revenue that they have the same figure that you have included in the above total income figure - if relevant.