Mandatory Insurance



I've just book a flight to Florida, USA for 5 days.
But now the travel agent won't issue the ticket until I get some travel insurance.

Anybody know anything about this?
I asked the agent was this a gov enforcement thing, and he said no, it's just something they enforce!!

Thanks in advance

P.s. I know insurance is always a good idea in US, just feel pissed off being force to do it.
You should never ever go to the US without insurance. Medical costs are horrendous. The travel agent is I think within its rights to make it a condition of selling you a ticket, but you don't have to buy insurance from them (indeed, I would urge you not to, as it is generally quite expensive). Shop around for yourself, then take the policy to the agent and get your tickets.

The agent has no right ot insist you get insurance from them.


I always thought that travel insurance was only compulsory on package deals but not on buying flight tickets.

They didn't force there insurance, any would do!
For sure I won't be buying insurance for 5 days from them at €45...
I'll check out in the meantime is there any other I should get quotes from?