manchester united match tickets



Looking for tickets for Old Trafford.

Don't want a package like hotel, flights etc.

Anyone recommend anything?


but be prepared for HUGE premiums on ticket prices.

Otherwise try the buy and sell, occasionally there are genuine people who've bought tickets and can't make it to the game

Really your best bet is to join your local branch of the supporters club. We have gotten tickets for every match we applied for. Not sure if you have a particular match in mind and if this is an option timewise, but if you will be looking for more tickets in the future its worth it.
Re: tickets

I can get you tickets for Drogheda United if you want

Don't need tickets.....
Just climb across the fence at the O'Raghaillaigh's pitch and you're as good as there.

Paul, cross the fence and you are there. :b are you a Drog fan?

Used to go on occassion with my dad some years ago but haven't been in a long time. My GAA playing days and then arrival of kids put a stop to it. Hopefully, when the young lad gets a bit bigger, I'll start taking him along for a few games.

I remember one of the lads kicking a ball into United Park from the Gaelic grounds and scaling the fence to retrieve it. Think he as the first person ever to play GAA in United Park!

Hi techman29,

Are you still looking for tickets ? My partner has 2 for the match on the 19th. He said last week he didn't want to go.
How many are you looking for ? I'll ask him and get back to you if you're interested.

Match on the 19th is Fulham home by the way.
Heading over myself with a few of the lads......

2 tickets to OT, that's an offer you can't refuse...
Have got my tickets.

Thanks Irina.

Heading to the Fulham game as well.
Not sure.

One of the lads has the tickets.

Will find out.
Hi lads,

I have one ticket for Milan home leg next Wednesday night.... but I need another one...

Can anyone here help me....


I'm with leatherarse.

Watch premiership on sky. But when you want to go to a real game, support Drogheda (or Bohs/Shels/Rovers/insertlocalteamhere).

You'll feel better in the long run!
Out of all the companies I have used in the past I recommend a website called - they got me tickets for the newcastle game this season and because it was a present for my cousin they sent the tickets next day to my address in dublin special delivery - what a weekend we had..