Management team 'bonding' and 'think-in' day- Public Service


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Work in public sector type organisation and looking for ideas for a management team 'bonding' and 'think in' day. About to commence a PMDS process and want to take myself (as area manager) and 6 other section heads off site. Regrettably, within our type of organisation, this type of option is never considered.

I, myself, am mid way through a management development course (for which I am paying fee and taking days from leave).

Ideas/ suggestions appreciated- notwithstanding we do not have a budget! So anything we would do would have to be cost minimal... but i do think it is possible.

Also, ideas for a 'facilitator' for the day...

PM me also if you need more specific details.

Any guidance appreciated...
Seems like a bit of a waste of time or money to money to me. You'd need to clarify what exactly you're aiming to achieve, before anyone could suggest alternative.
The HSE Training Unit in Naas have model for setting team goals that I think is what you are getting at. I would imagine that they would respond favourably to a request for information on the model from another public sector organisation. Its not top secret and neither is it rocket science but it gives a structure to help teams work together e.g. SWOT analysis.
Team Bonding, team building, Facilitator, etc what a waste of time when Common Sense overides everything (something that is mostly forgotten). If you want to see management at its best, go to a Daniel O'Donnell concert. He gives his customers what they want, every time and says thanks.
Team Bonding, team building, Facilitator, etc what a waste of time when Common Sense overides everything (something that is mostly forgotten).

Common sense and a process that improves communication, understanding and trust are not mutually exclusive. If it is done well it improves productivity.

If you want to see management at its best, go to a Daniel O'Donnell concert. He gives his customers what they want, every time and says thanks.
That is customer service not management.

OP, Have you considered a CSR type activity such as painting a room in an old folks home.
Team building

Yes I agree it is a risk to do something different within a 'public sector' type organisation- especially when other sections/ departments may not be doing anything.

The team does not have any proper meetings and a lot of 'back stabbing' when we do- disgruntled and demotivated staff.

So any ideas/ suggestions are welcome- and don't worry- we will not be spending any money (if we can) - as we can use a lot of existing buildings/ units etc 'off site' and ask people to bring own food to share, etc- team building before we even leave!
Common sense and a process that improves communication, understanding and trust are not mutually exclusive. If it is done well it improves productivity.

I agree with that. When people who work together interact outside of that work environment in a structured environment it can do wonders for moral and productivity. We have a social club and golf society in work and both have proven their value.