Management Company refusing sale to Local Authority - can it be overruled


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I am nearly 9 months into the sale of my duplex to FCC. Tenant was on HAP, we gave notice to terminate the tenancy June 2023. We agreed with tenant to approach FCC for tenant in situ scheme, after a very long 6 months a sale was agreed.

As legals proceed my solicitor has noticed here is a covenant in the title Lease that the property is not to be assigned to a Local Authority. I was not aware of this my own fault! The complex in is North Dublin not a affluent area most tenants renting would be on HAP scheme or similar. My solicitor is asking if the convent can be over ruled? We this have to go to a vote to the owners? Management company took 4 weeks to respond to his original questions so I don't see this resolving any time soon. I can of course ask them myself but I want to be sure I approach it correctly.

My husband is in very ill health and we are trying to concentrate all our efforts in this care, working full time and 2 young kids. I am really hopeful this sale will proceed and we won't be back to square one.
Its a legal issue so your solicitor is surely the best placed person to advise on the enforceability of restrictive covenants such as this one.