Management company query regarding payments



Hi I am just looking for advise regarding management company payments. I am hearing conflicting views.

I'll explain;
I paid upfront for the year as you do when you are signing for your home.

During the year I rang the management company as I was having isues regarding the groundskeeping. It took a few times to finally talk to someone looking after the area & I was told it was the builders who was looking after the grounds (who at this time had gone bust). I couldnt understand what I was paying my money for. Its not as extortionate as most places but its still an added expense.

I then rang when my year as coming to an end to be told they would be in contact regarding the amount. My sister on the otherhand has told me that your money you originally paid upon signing only comes into affect when the builders sign off on the last home & everything is finished.

Therefore I wouldnt owe them until 2010.

I had just heard that all the places were sold, then the roads were finished days before Christmas & big suprise I came home to the bill from the management co. They have asked for the difference for the months unpaid & the following year. There is no statement regarding where the money went from last year, ie street lighting, bins etc.

What I want to clear up is if my sister is right that I do not have to pay until next year as my money will only be used this year or will I have to pay what the company is asking for?

Also should the managent company be including where they have spent our fees in the estate when they send us our bill? I do understand that I signed on for management fees but as I have been living in the estate where the roads where unfinished, the bins left out on the road & the grass has been unkept.

I just want to check where I stand on this issue.

Thanks for any help you can give!
Re: Management company query

Start by reading the stickies at the top of the forum. Your sister isn't right - you have to pay your fees every year regardless of whether the management company has been handed over to the owners or not. It can take years for this to happen.

However, you are entitled to see a budget for the coming year and know how the money has been spent this year. There should be an AGM.

Your best defence here is to know what is right and wrong.

Get a copy of your lease and read through it, get the memos and articles of incorporation of your management company from the CRO.

Find out if any residents are involved with the management company; if not, consider starting a management committee.
Re: Management company query

Remember that there are many items paid for by your service charge which are not necessarily visible...

Block insurance cover
Lift maintenance
phone lines for lifts
Common area ESB
Waste removal

When you closed the sale, your solicitor should have received a copy of a service charge budget for Year 1 demonstrating the total spend and the contribution for your apartment.

You are LEGALLY OBLIGED to pay your service charge and cannot withold it for any reason. If you do so, then you are in breach of your agreement with the management company which is binding (your solicitor will confirm this) and your fellow residents are having to pick up the tab for your non-payment.
Thanks to both of you for your posts. I will request the 09 budget from the management company & sort out payment