Management company fee


New Member
Hello I need 1 information
I bought apartment in Enniscorthy
6 months before. management company send to me 1500 euros management fee and sinking fund 150 euros
problem is my apartment area is not clean and tidy .inside main door stairs is very dirty. management company sent someone come to clean in 3 weeks once. I am not happy for cleaning. I don't want to pay management fee 1500 euros. I want to pay 150 euros sinking fund.. and management fee also too much . management fee I can pay 800 to 1000 maximum. but 1500 euros is too much. I am not happy for management company service.. please let me know. what should I do now. thanks
what should I do now. thanks
There's a few things to do, first, you will pay the fee, assuming it is the agreed fee at the AGM. Get a copy of the accounts from the last AGM and see where the money is being spent.

At the next AGM if you have proposals as to where the spending can be cut make the suggestions and put it to a vote. If you feel the cleaning isn't ideal at the moment highlight this to a director and see if something can be done/highlighted to the managing agent or cleaning company. At the AGM if its still not ideal suggest that the OMC or Managing Agent get quotes from alternative suppliers.

Finally, you can put yourself forward as a director of your managing company at the AGM and get involved in selecting the cleaning company and preparing for the following budget and cutting costs if you think there's areas that's possible.
You are the Management Company. If you don't pay your fees you will have no money to clean and maintain your building. Alternatively, to save money you could clean the area.
As the above posters have stated you are part of the management company and you are obliged to pay the fee in full. The management company is within their right to commence debt collection proceedings against you if you are deliquent.

If you do not like how the developement is being run then make your complaints known to the mangement company directors and managing agent and put forward motions for improving the service at the next AGM or put yourself forward for apointment as director of the MC.
Others have addressed you key questions above but you might want to familiarise yourself with how management companies operate and that your rights and responsibilities are as an property owner:
Don't just unilaterally stop paying the management charge as it will remain due regardless and you could also rack up additional costs on top of the arrears.
Have you told the service company that you aren’t happy with the standards?

The agent or service company may not be aware.

And also if another resident or a number of them are making a mess, leaving rubbish etc then perhaps that needs to be addressed. Even a daily cleaner could only do so much, some of it is down to residents.

Also presumably you knew in advance what the fees were going to be and saw the cleanliness before you bought. Has something changed that needs to be addressed?