Management Company/Builder not fufliling their duties?



I moved into a duplex in Dec 06, I paid 1400 euro management fees, I requested at the time details of the mangement company but none were available and were to follow. Five months later and I still have not seen any evidence that a management company exists. To my knowledge the builder was to appoint a management company in January and never did, we have a number of issues with the complex eg no facilities for bins, no landscaping etc and the builder just ignores out calls and letters. One of neighbours has even resorted to a sending quite a few solicitors letters but still the silence is deafening from our builder.

It seems the builder has no plans to appoint a management company and seems pretty confident that there is nothing in the law to make him do so. Can someone please advise what our legal position is? or if they have experienced similar problems?, I am reluctant to hire a solicitor when my neighbours have taken that route without much success.
Made a similiar enquiry to our solicitor.Management Company does not have to be in place until all the developments are completed & sold. Only then does MC come into play
Thanks for your response, but are there not some basic services the builder has to supply in the interim? The fact we don't have any facilility to dispose of rubish is surely something the builder should be faciliating, and if we need to wait for all properties to be occupied this should then mean I don't have to pay fees again in Dec if no service has been provided for most of the year?