Management Agent fees - going rates


Registered User
Just looking for some feedback from any Management Company directors (I'm one myself) for current going rates for Management Agent fees. We're currently paying circa €200 per apartment to the management agent. It's hard to gauge what the market rate is without engaging directly with other Management Agents and I'd like to approach them with some idea of what a competitive rate is before beginning that process.
Ours was 6k last year for 31 units so 200 seems about right. Didn't realise they charged per unit but probably makes some sense.
Thanks for the responses. We're charged an overall management fee, the per-unit breakdown was just for comparison purposes.
Anything from 120(really cheap so would be careful) to 200. It depends on the size. There an element of quantum firm too, A firm that charges €200 a unit for normal sized block might charge considerably less than 200 a unit fee for a massive block for 500 plus units.

There used to be a of of loss leading with some firms taking very cheap fees at sum 120 a unit but taking cheeky kickbacks elsewhere. Quite a few of these guys have been found out and left the market.

Small developments of 6 to 12 units it might be more than 200 as although the block is smaller there still a of of work to be done.

Level of work is a factor too when renewing. A very difficult Board of Directors may encourage an agent to push for considerably higher fees on renewal to make a contract worth keeping.