male 30th birthday present?

Re: male 30th birthday present???

DS lite.
Nurse outfit.
Radio controlled helicopter.
Re: male 30th birthday present???

A day out quad biking, off-road driving (range rovers), day at an adventure centre?
Re: male 30th birthday present???

premiership match with 2 night stay.

PS3 or Wii


Anything gadgety or a nice watch, all depends on budget
Re: male 30th birthday present???

If it were me, I'd really like something like this:
[broken link removed]
He'll still have it when he's 60!
Re: male 30th birthday present???

A really good watch will always be appreciated and every time he checks the time, he will think of you! :)
i got a helicoptor flying lesson for mine. great experience .i loved it