Malaysia Tips


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I’m heading to Malaysia in a week – any tips or anything I should be aware of in advance of my trip, is appreciated?
Spend a few nights on the Perhentian (sp?) islands if you can. They are so beautiful. Lots of mozzies though so bring your deet.
where are you going in Malaysia? If you can and are staying in Langkawi, head to the Andaman Hotel for cocktails, enjoy looking at the monkeys and feeling the serenity around you. It is to me, the most beautiful place in the world. I second the mozzies comment, they are rampant, stock up on repellant. Have a wonferful holiday.
If you can and are staying in Langkawi, head to the Andaman Hotel for cocktails, enjoy looking at the monkeys and feeling the serenity around you. It is to me, the most beautiful place in the world.

Second this - we were in Langkawi in June and stayed in the Westin but headed to Andaman one evening for drinks and it was fantastic - the island itself is great, lots of things to do.
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Be prepared to dress modestly in public places outside resorts.

Malaysia tries to portray itself as progressive but I found it to be oppressive at times, I was sick of men and women looking me up and down as if I was a Western harlot! BTW I never dressed skimpily but still got the grief!

We were there on honeymoon - Penang, KL and Kota Kinabalu. I loved KK and Malaysian Borneo in general but overall not the trip we were expecting.
Spend a few nights on the Perhentian (sp?) islands if you can. They are so beautiful. Lots of mozzies though so bring your deet.

Deet is quite potent, so be very careful when using it.

Other mozzie repellents that can work are: Neem oil, Johnson's body oil(green bottle which you can get over there), vitamin B XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, garlic (not sure about this last one myself).
Spend a few nights on the Perhentian (sp?) islands if you can. They are so beautiful. Lots of mozzies though so bring your deet.

i'll second that...beautiful area and totally inspoiled by commercial tourism as well