Malahide Apartment - Worth buying?

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Thinking of Purchasing a 3 bed apt in M/Hide central (at average advertised price for what we're getting)

Worth it or not?

Love to know what others think - am unsure. Friend of mine thinks all apartments are now doomed, doomed, doomed!!! :D
Apartments get a lot of negative press these days, and this is against a backdrop of a general property crash. Anyways here's my two cents on it...

Apartments have many advantages over houses, and will be back in demand at some point in the future:
- Little maintenance required (no gutters, no outside walls to be painted, etc.)
- Easy to heat and also to clean!
- Option to rent (s.t. location, location, location!)
- Convenient for singles, retired, couples
- Often located in better locations than houses, meaning no car required.
- Relatively safe & secure... even when you're not there a neighbour is in the building.

It's not all good, but by the sounds of things, plenty have told you that already.

I think M/hide is an attractive spot. If you could see yourself owing it for c. 5 years, then why not!

- Small developments are Concrete shells
Thanks lazing - that's a good reply and I appreciate it.
Malahide is beautiful and has Dart so convenience is there for renting etc. Its a complete buyers market though and lots of upper scale areas have plenty of part time investors trying to get out so haggle, haggle, haggle!
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