Making the next move...



Hi, I got an affordable mortgage for an apartment 3 years ago. I'm considering moving as I have a child and space is a bit of an issue now that he's getting bigger. My question is if I was to sell would I find it difficult to get another mortgage as a single person. I'm currently on 38,000 per year but I'm on an incremental scale. As much as I love the apartment I really would love a house now but fear I'll never get a mortgage? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks.
Hi Rebecca46,
this is the affordable housing trap, you can't move to bigger more suitable accommodation when you have a family. I contacted Michael Finneran TD about this to no avail, there is no way out other than to sell. I pointed out that by offering apartments with no storage/outdoor space, the scheme is effectively trapping people in unsuitable accommodation in the longer term. His reply quoted housing acts blah, blah, blah... Most people who enter the scheme are so thrilled to be getting their own place that they don't think beyond their immediate needs, I was exactly like this and I really regret it now. You could contact your local authority to see if you can re-apply to the scheme after you sell, I wouldn't advise this from a financial perspective though as current affordable housing prices are higher than open market prices in many cases. The only good thing is that you aren't affected by negative equity if you sell so you can drop your price so that you will actually be able to sell and not have your apartment sit on the market for a year at an inflated price. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I blame the Government for including apartments in the scheme, they are fine for a certain stage of your life in my opinion but not for a family. Hth
Thanks for your reply Anna Lee. It was great when I moved in first, to have my own place, but I didn't know I was pregnant until about four weeks after I moved in. Typical. I had a chance of getting a house at the time but chose the apartment because even though the apt was small the rooms seemed to be bigger than in the house and of course I had the added security of the apartment. I just wonder if I was to sell would a bank even give me a mortgage without it being under the affordable housing scheme. I'd hate to think I'll never be able to afford to move again.....