Making a Will


Registered User
This may have been answered before but I wish to make a Will and wonder what's the most Cost Effective way of doing so? Do I really have to go to a Solicitor?
Depends on your Asset Profile, Marital Status, Dependants etc. You can make a will on the back of a fag packet as long it is witnessed by non beneficial or related parties. You can buy a template will in Easons but it all depends on your circumstances.
Thanks Mercman re who can sign but still a bit unsure. A Few details might help.
1. married 3 kids 10, 13 & 15.
2. Own house in joint names and approx €100k in savings etc.
3. Wife has disability and slight Brain Damage so I want to nominate people to help with decision making re kids/finances if I die first.
This is the main issue for me, I have already some blank wills
Noted. I would say it is as important for your wife to make a will as yourself. On the basis of the info, your children are classed as minors. You would also require to nominate others in the case that something happened to you and your wife was unable to handle the kids and other matters. I accept that you don't want the expense of using a solicitor but at the same time it might be the best route. Making a will should not be to costly - ask a solicitor for a price. In your circumstances and your dear wife and children, it woukld be money well spent.