making a statement to police

More details required.
What does the statement concern?
Its a statement then, not an allegation?
Are there other statements? From other people?
Is it a serious statement? With sufficient weight, of sufficient importance for the relevant matter?
How serious is the relevant matter?
etc etc etc
Generally, you have no obligation to make a statement to Gardaí if requested.

A statement cannot be forced from you. You commit no offence by refusing to make a statement.

Whether or not you make a statement is irrelevant to the decision to compel your appearance in court. If you are required to attend court you will probably receive a witness summons. You must answer a witness summons by attending court. That said, you might not even be called to give evidence.

BTW be careful about the distinction between declining to make a statement and withholding information or evidence from Gardaí in the course of investigations. The latter is actually an offence.