Making a claim on ex husband following a Divorce


Registered User
Hi, Looking for some advice as I've tries searching online and cant find anything.
Long story short, myself and my partner of 5 years have spoken about cohabiting, and marriage at sine stage, however his ex wife (divorced nearly a year) has got wind of this has stated that she will be making making a new claim to the courts to get more spousal maintenance as we will be a 2 income household, she does not work herself, they have 1 teenage dependent child who lives with my partner, not his mother, personally I wouldn't have thought she can make any claim on my income but others have said differently
What the former wife advocates sounds malicious but don't dismiss it too quickly as she will have the capacity to cause trouble.
Whether she succeeds or not is another issue.

Most definitely consult a solicitor.
Although most general practice solicitors should be able to deal with this I would be more comfortable with someone who has a strong speciality in the area.
While you are at it get legal advice on your rights and responsibilities as regards the former wife and the dependant child in the events of cohabitation with or marriage to the new partner respectively.
You would be wise to get this straight anyhow before marrying again so this might be an opportune moment.
A solicitor who posts on AAM regularly and gives good advice on these situations called might be able to help.