Major problems with quality of work by leading Timber Frame company


Registered User
I have spent an enormous amount of money with a reputable T/F company to supply and erect my house, thinking that they would deliver a product that would relfect this.
However, my own builder is finding problems every where he goes. The house does not sit on the foundations even though they are perfect. I have problems with joists, first floor is unlevel,and roof is a mess.
The company is blaming the erector and he is blaming the company's engineering. My builder is apalled at the basic errors.
Is it time for me to call in an independant engineer and can I charge the T/F co. for it? I have not yet made the final payment. My own architect is useless. At this point I do not trust the T/F co. and am afraid that there is more stuff that has not been discovered yet.
did you get a supply and erect contract or did you get erector independly
The house was erected bt the t/f company.I went this route so that I could avoid exactly the sort of problems I am having now. The company sub-contract the work, but I did not know this originally.
The t/f engineer has a crew using sledges and pulling parts of the house with rachets, I am not a builder and maybe this is ok. But it seems to me to be a very primitive way to go about it. I would have thought the t/f co would have made the erector come back, and made sure on my behalf that I was getting what I paid for.Now that I see them at this I'm wondering if the t/f company themselves actually made a mistake with the drawings and that this is what they are correcting - not the work of the erector.
It should be easy to see if it simply wasn't constructed/designed correctly or was it erected incorrectly.
Thanx for reply aircobra19. Thats why I'm wondering if I need an independent engineer to look at it. Would the opinion of my own builder, roofer and carpenter be taken seriously by the t/f company, or will they only listen to an engineer?
You should get an independent assessment/inspection carried out by an engineer and a report prepared which you can either forward directly to the t/f company or get your solicitor (last resort) to do it.

Before going to a solicitor I would however recommend that your engineer could meet with a rep from the t/f company first to see if issues can be resolved before going down the legal route.
Bluebells, I don't know if it's against policy here but, if not, can you name the T/F company involved.

It would be best not name the company involved at this stage as it may prejudice any legal action the OP takes in the future.