Major leak in drains- big job ?


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I am in the process of buying a house and the engineers report advised that the drains be inspected .
This was done yesterday and I received the below report

The pipes are clay and pvc and there is one system for both storm and foul.
The first manhole close to the front door has one inlet from a soil vent pipe and a
test here showed a leak of 1 litre in 80 seconds.
A test from the first manhole to the second manhole located close to the rear
corner of the extension showed no significant leak although a camera survey
revealed a sealing rubber at the base of the pipe that could cause blockages.
There is one other inlet into the second manhole from a communal pipe and no
test was carried out here. The communal pipe is in poor condition with cracking
There is an access junction located at the rear of the property with four inlets:
1. Is from a gully arrangement located at the rear corner of the extension and
a test here showed a major leak. This gully is in very poor condition and
needs attention.
2. Is from under the extension, is no longer in use and no test was carried
out here.
3. Is from a downstairs w.c and a test here showed a major leak.
4. Is from a gully taking storm and bathroom waste and a test here showed a
major leak.
There is a storm gully located at the front of the property and the oulet to this
gully is unknown.

Can anyone advise how big a job it would be to fix the above ? Approximate cost i.e. 0-5k, 5-10k

How deep is manhole how far away are you from main drains which I persume is out in road probably best to replace the lot . Is there access for a small digger,. footpaths and driveway might have to be replaced. Is there big trees nere by, roots are the main cause of damage to underground pipes
Thanks for the reply. I have no idea how deep the manhole is . There is no drive just a front garden there would not be access for a small digger . No trees nearby either :) . If everything was replaced would that be very costly?