Maintenance: Qs relating to declared net income, pension contributions, taxation etc

  • Thread starter celestialgrr
  • Start date


Hi all
I wonder if there's anyone who could give me some advice about maintenance
I'm seperated, I have two children in college and I'm finding it impossible to find work.

My ex earns over €60k and recently I had to go to court to get maintenance. My ex claimed that he only had a net income of €700 per week. The Judge ordered him to pay €200 per week. I get €150 per week from the One parent Family Payment. I pay €150 rent per week.

The information I need is as follows:
Am I fighting a loosing battle asking for more?
How much of his salary, €63k, does a man working in the civil service have to contribute to a pension?
Is the money he pays to me tax deductable for him. The solo website says it's not tax deductable but says it is?

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated!
You have three or four essentially different questions embedded in your post.

Can I suggest that you split them out on post each in the relevant forum/subforum?

For example What pension contribution does a civil servant on €60k make. in the Public Sector Pension section.

How are maintenance payments treated for tax purposes in the Taxation section

How do I go about getting the maintenace payments increased can be left here in askabout law.

And finally any questions relating to Welfare and state benefits can be asked in that forum.

Thanks AJ

My solicitor told me the judge made his decision on my ex's net income. He didn't reveal his gross pay in his affidavit and I know he earns at least €63k p/a. So from his point of view it would be a good idea to put the maximum that he can into pensions therefore reducing his net income and getting a more favourable outcome for himself in court.
Check the Pensions forum where I have answered your query on pension contributions. Slim