Maintenance payments while in receipt of Job-seekers allowance


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Hi, this is in relation to a person on job-seekers allowance and paying maintenance. How much should a person with three children from two different mothers be paying in maintenance each week if their only income is job-seekers allowance. Child one's mother has suspended payments due to the fact that child two and three's mother is demanding 100 euro a week, which leaves the father with 88 euro a week to live on. I have suggested that it may make sense to have this settled by arranging it through the court but the mother of child number two and three has indicated that the maintenance payments would be increased.

Just some background:

He was made redundant in January, with redundancy of roughly 4,000, this has been spent.

He split up from mother no. two in June.

He has been paying 100 euro p/w to mother no. two since but this is becoming unsustainable.

Mother no. one has suspended maintenance payments in light of the present situation and the father has child number one from Friday to Sunday.

He has no access to children number two and three, because the mother deems the maintenance payments not substantial enough.

He lives in a house which is his principal residence, the mortgage is paid in full.

He has no savings left and no other income.

I appreciate any imput, It seems that the system over here varies from the likes of the UK, where it is a percentage of income. Mother no. two is on an OPF payment so this may be where the issue lies. But if she is receiving the increases for the children plus Children's Allowance can he reduce his payments to be able to offer something toward his firsts child's upkeep. With the 88 euro per week he can just about afford groceries and electricity.

Thank you in advance for any replies.
Access and maintenance are two very different things. Mother no 2 has no right to deny access to children 2 and 3 because she does not deem maintenance to be satisfactory.
Has he been to court over the arrangements or have they tried to do this themselves?
Mother no 1 seems to be very decent.