maintanence amount


Registered User
Hi there

Just wondering is €100 per week a sufficient maintanence amount for 1 child from a father on about €500 per week that also has two other kids with his wife?
I think a 100 € is very good especially when he has two more kids to support. 500€ salary a week is nothing if you calculate living costs.
My friend pays €85 per week and that is still over the amount he is legally supposed to pay (€70 determined by court and that was before he got married and had 2 more kids). He earns about the same amount p/m.
It sounds like a lot to me. Especially as he is supporting a wife and 2 children as well.
the wife works aswel so there is 2 wages coming in at least, it was court ordered to pay €100 a week but at the time he only had one other child and she was'nt taken into account as the judge said it was a 'seperate matter', I understand now if he went back to court the wifes earnings would also be taken into account which is'nt a big wage either.

wife or no wife, this child is his and not hers while the other two are also his. if you go to court now, the judge will take all three kids equally into account and what he can afford. if he pays 100 for the one outside marriage, same is expected for the ones inside marriage. just because he is married and wife has an income does not mean he does not have to support them, quite the opposite. mother and father both have the responsibility to look after the child's maintenance.

I came across this link yesterday by chance [broken link removed]

It's only a guideline but a pretty clear one. It might help you to understand that a weekly wage of 500€ is not much at all.
thanks for that its a good link! I will pass it on. He would like to go back to court and get it down to about €80 but is put off by the last time when his daughter was'nt taken into account he told the judge at the time he had another child and the judge said that it was a seperate matter, plus he does'nt think the courts are keen on reducing amounts, he just wants whats right and fair and has no faith in the courts to take his other kids into account because of what happened the last time.
Could he not come to some arrangement with the ex without having to go back to court on it? Perhaps offer his time in lieu of some money or something?
not an option as they only speak through solicitors, he is not under pressure really just wants to know if its fair for all involved, I think €100 is a good amount to be getting considering the norm seems to be about €75, To be honest I dont think he will go back to court he dont want the hassle, just as long as the ex dont decide she wants more money, which could happen, she wanted €130 in the beginning when the original order was made but was awarded €100.