Mahon Tribunal


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15 years and a few hundred million quid later.

Liam Lawlor and Padraic Flynn along with others were corrupt and Bertie Ahern wasn't truthful.

Well, I am shocked...........
You mean Bertie didn't win it on the horses?

Seriously though, if there was a evidence of corruption with Flynn and Lawlor, why can't it go through a court of law rather than a tribunal?
While I agree that the cost of the Tribunal is GUBU I am delighted that the likes of Pee Flynn, Ray Burke, Charlie Haughey, Bertie Ahern et al have had their reputations and legacies publicly and officially ruined for all time
Well said DB74..
Delighted to hear that Enda Kenny is sending the documents to the Garda Commissioner,The DPP, The Revenue Commissioners and the Standards in Public Office Commission...hopefully this will sort it.
While I agree that the cost of the Tribunal is GUBU I am delighted that the likes of Pee Flynn, Ray Burke, Charlie Haughey, Bertie Ahern et al have had their reputations and legacies publicly and officially ruined for all time

They probably don't see it that way. What are the bets Pee Flynn issues a statement that he has been "totally vindicated"?

Seeing that photo of Ray Burke geting into a prison van was worth every penny of the 250 million.

IndaKinny has made a comment about Bertie and his behaviour. I am no friend of FF, but that seems distasteful to me. Inda should just say nothing and let FF, the DPP, et al deal with it as they see fit. After all, Bertie is no longer a sitting TD (thankfully).
While I agree that the cost of the Tribunal is GUBU I am delighted that the likes of Pee Flynn, Ray Burke, Charlie Haughey, Bertie Ahern et al have had their reputations and legacies publicly and officially ruined for all time

.... grand... but us tax payers will still be paying is gubbermint pensions no matter what!!! Where's the justice in that?
at least bertie owes tax on income recieved plus penalties and interest.....yes? regardless of the source
Do you think we let the world in crooked politicians?

Growing up I always heard Italy was crooked, but the last few decades have shown us to be out in front of them.
the misery some of these politicans have plunged families (long commutes, negative equity, unsafe housing, boom to bust and emigration etc).....for 5k here and 10k there...whilst a handful of developers/land owners made tens of millions
how they sleep at night and get up out of bed every day is absolutely beyond me
They are going to kick Bertie out of the party, does that mean he will not get his pension? i hope
I cant understand why the Garda Commissioner, Revenue Commissioners, DPP etc are waiting on Enda Kenny for instructions to proceed further. I would have thought they should act of themselves and immediately. I hope they wont forget to go after the crooked planners, administrative managers, clerical cohorts, lackeys etc either.

Just wait . . . in another two weeks all this will have been forgotten, as usual.
Just wait . . . in another two weeks all this will have been forgotten, as usual.
My thoughts exactly..Whatever about the time and money spent on the tribunal,for me its the fact that we all know that this is a seven day wonder and as Leper said,will have been forgotten in two weeks .
That is the sickening part..
whats the difference with enda and his crew saying before the election we will do this this and this and then once elected acting like all the others, extra pay for advisers, junior ministers ?? and so on. We get the people we deserve ie we voted for them.

they are all

You really think there's no difference?

Not condoning some of FG's behaviour but it is nowhere near on a par with what Bertie and his like have done to this country, actions that will haunt many people for years to come as they struggle to pay huge mortgages on properties worth nothing, raise families in half finished estates miles from shops, schools and public transport and face long soul destroying commutes to work (if they're lucky enough to have a job)that leave no time for any kind of work life balance.

This kind of statement worries me that people in this country have learned absolutely nothing, it really beggars belief.

Surprised Cork hasn't come on defending FF yet.