As I couldn't transfer money from my BoI account into my Paypal account at Bank of America in Dublin, I got a draft for €100 from BoI, which I sent to BoA by registered post three weeks ago! It seems to have vanished! Paypal seems to be more difficult to contact than the White House, and BoA never answers calls and doesn't even have an email address, let alone IBAN and BIC account numbers! There is something smelly about it!
I can't see why you chose to incur such unnecessary expense, when Papercut had pointed out to you where their National Sort Code and account number could be found?
[broken link removed] PayPal Customer Service: 1890 943 220 (01)4369023
8:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 9:00 pm Saturday
9:00 am to 9:00 pm Sunday
I just rang (01-6196100; it's in the phone book) and a woman's voice answered. Incidentally, despite what you say your Bank of Ireland manager claims, IBAN/BIC codes are not necessary to send a transfer in euro from one Irish bank a/c to another.
I'm planning to send money to a "stranger" in the Ivory Coast through Western Union. I have heard about the scams linked to "Ivory Coast" and '"Western Union" and I would like to know if it is too risky! The money is a gift, so no risk there: it is "lost" anyway!
Are there any other risks involved? Thank you in advance.