M50 toll - how soon is it up on ones account?


Registered User
Ive just remembered that I used the M50 eflow toll 10 days ago, and forgot to pay. Ive checked with my online eflow statement and its not recorded there.
Is this a delay in eflow processing/update or might it have been missed?
Dont want to get a penalty fine - would I would be better paying it anyway?
Hi, I am a member of the eflow team. I suspect this journey occurred after the last statement run and so will appear on your next statement from eflow. As you are a registered customer, payment will be made automatically so you don’t have to worry about fines. If you have any questions please contact our call centre on 1890-50-10-50.
Many thanks,
Thanks, I now see it up as a transaction.
So I can assume it will be taken off my credit card in due course - being the normal way I pay.
i paid the toll of twelve euro because i missed the 8 o clock next day deadline(one trip over and one back) then got a bill for 92 euro i have a bank statement to prove that i paid an now im thinking of maybe charging them 92 euro just to see what they say im also hoping that theyll invite me to court so fingers crossed there. i wonder if i could get them charged with fraud maybe if all of us who have been over charged could get together an do the same it could be fun.