M50 now slower than going through "town"...

Betsy Og

Registered User
Up in Dublin Saturday afternoon, needed to go from Southside (mountains) to Northside (nth of Croker), went M50. It was bad enough but airport roundabout in was even worse. Went home through town (or near enough) and got on grand.

Am I right in drawing the conclusion that going through town is now quicker than the M50 &, at least, not as boring and frustrating.

Maybe this is obvious to Dublin dwellers???
It depends on the time and the direction. If going out or coming home off peak we tend to take the M50. All other times we go through town(to D12)
You can bet that the M50 will only get worse with all the extra port traffic from today on. Town today was a dream for a wet Monday without those trucks but I'm pretty sure that the M50 was a nightmare. It was a disaster yesterday (Sunday) afternoon even without the trucks.
You think it's bad now.

Just wait until Ikea get planning permission for their new furniture megastore at Ballymun on the M50. Ikea have an international reputation for causing gridlock and mayhem wherever they open a new store. They usually open in places which can handle heavy traffic.

For the life of me I cannot see why we should allow them anywhere near our worst traffic jam. They can only make it worse.

What do we owe Ikea that we should even consider to allow them to mess up further an already totally chaotic situation. Let them open up in the middle of the Country where they will be more accesable to the population of the entire country.

What do we owe Ikea that .

IMHO IKEA is over-hyped. It's principal attraction was that it was not in Ireland. Once it is here, views will change. Familiarity breeds contempt, and all that ..

IKEA on continental Europe is, I'm told, significantly cheaper then IKEA UK. What's the betting that IKEA Ballymun will be more expensive than IKEA UK ? Still, when it opens RTE News & the Irish Times will have enough material for weeks.

The problems on the M50 this morning were to be expected by anyone with even a cursory knowledge of traffic flows.
I left Kill village in Co. Kildare this morning at 7.10 and went to Glasnevin in 35 minuted. I get from Glasnevin to Rathfarnham (work to home) in 25-40 minutes every evening, depending on what time I leave (between 6.30 and 8.30). There is no way I could do this going through town. With the third lane, the junction upgrades (up to a year ahead of schedule) and the barrier-less toll system going into place next year I expect this to improve. All this with a massive increase in the volume of traffic in the city.
Well done to the NRA and all those involved in improving the roads over the last 5 years.
Well done to the NRA and all those involved in improving the roads over the last 5 years.

Its the least I expect from them with all the money they generate through taxes (road tax and VRT) and road tolling on top of that.

We were miles behind our european neighbours in terms of a decent road network. We are still miles behind thanks to poor planning.

If the NRA and Government wanted to do something short term about the M50 (during improvment work) they should open the tolls at peak times for free and have Gardai on every junction along the M50 keeping traffic flowing onto and off the motorway. "Operation Freeflow" should not just be for christmas but for life :)
Also, truck drivers are being forced to use the M50. They are also being forced to pay a toll charge that they didnt need to pay before yesterday when they could use the city. Where is all this extra revenue being generated by the extra trucks going? Into the pockets of NTR !!!

by the way, im not a truck driver, I agree that they should be forced out of the city, but when the M50 is in the condition it is now, shouldnt something be done about the TOLL BRIDGE and the junctions around it, in particular N4 & N7 !
As was in todays papers Mr Ahern said the gov was in talks with the very clever people that built that bridge for 16m to give them 800m so we could have toll free in 2008 or use some electronic thingy to recoup the 800, also said none of us could foresee it earning 10 times more than it should in 1987, I foresaw this as did anyone that ever went to any city in the world that had a ring road, I remember being stuck in traffic in 1981 trying to get onto ring road in Manchester.it was jamo then, Name me one motorway in europe that only has 2 lanes of traffic besides our own,Now we are getting 3 lanes (sometime), where we should be building an outer ring road with 3 lanes, I say build it and let them sue,at least we would have some sadifaction over losing that kind of money. When will the east link bridge be paid for so that toll can go?
as you pass city west there are sign up about an outer ring road. I'm not quite sure where this road is meant to go.

To genuinely bypass Dublin I think it should be Naas to Celbridge and around i.e. a good few miles out of Dublin City, avoiding Dublin County on the south & west. At least then there'd be some hope of it not becoming another internal Dublin City road thats jammers.
I have heard talks of a "super ring road" as far out as Drogheda, Navan & Naas....given the building in these towns in recent years, and the number of commuters in them, are they too late already? Like they were with the M50!
The Golden Gate Bridge cost $27million in the 1920s. I wonder how much that is in today's money? - is it any where near €800million?
I've diverted off the M50 around Tallaght on the past 2 Sunday afternoons, as it just wasn't moving - the warning signs were warning of delays due to accidents, but no-one else seemed to heed the signs.
I have often used a wonderful bridge over the sea connecting San Diego & Coronado Island. When the local authority issued the licence for the NTR equivalent who built it they stipulated that when the return on their investment reached a certain level that the toll barriers would be removed & become free to all users. In this case the private developer got his profit & within a very few years ( I think about 7 but not sure) everybody was happy. Begs the question why not a similar deal here ? Or could the brown envelopes had anything to do with the West Link deal ?
I have often used a wonderful bridge over the sea connecting San Diego & Coronado Island. When the local authority issued the licence for the NTR equivalent who built it they stipulated that when the return on their investment reached a certain level that the toll barriers would be removed & become free to all users. In this case the private developer got his profit & within a very few years ( I think about 7 but not sure) everybody was happy. Begs the question why not a similar deal here ? Or could the brown envelopes had anything to do with the West Link deal ?

The brown envelope thing is something I've wondered about too - weren't some of the names involved in the Liffet Valley thing the same as those on the Westlink land?