M50 fine and solictors letter


Registered User
hi just wondering if anybody ever got letters from solictors representing the M50 etoll saying that they went thought the toll and didnt pay for it ? when they did pay for it and what was the outcome and how common this is ?
There's a big thread on boards.ie about this. A few people posting there said they had gone to court. IIRC they all lost but in some cases the judge wrote down the value of the fine a little.
i find it a joke as i phone up the solictor earlier on this wk and told them when and were i paid and the estimated time i paid and today i got a phone call from the solictors saying they have found the payment and car reg is the same but it was a error on there behave and i will be issued with a appolgy letter from etoll and the solictors but i want to find out how common this is as thankfully i have a good memory and if needed i would of being able to dig out the receipt but wanted them to do the donkey work
Just get a video account.

Amazing the amount of threads of people being caught out for forgetting the toll.

1 fine would also pay for a tag for ages.
+1 Frank's advice.

Get a video account.

There's 'a sticky on the Motoring forum.

No more trips to the local shop to pay the toll.

No more forgetting about it and being fined then crucified.

Just get a video account.

Amazing the amount of threads of people being caught out for forgetting the toll.

1 fine would also pay for a tag for ages.

i didnt forget to pay for the toll i paid for the toll at the esso service station before i went though the toll,

if this happen to me then who else does it happen to ? as its a good job i have a good memory and i also keep the receipts.

i would even go as far as saying in my opinion that the etoll company does not keep proper books of accounts and records as if they did they would know that i paid the toll and they are just looking for extra revenue as they had a record of me paying so what did they think i was doing donating money to them ?