Lymewood Mews

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Oh yeah muffin1973 I was also going to ask about that, my snag was completed last Wednesday and faxed to them that evening.
Haven't heard anything back yet, as muffin1973 asks has anyone on this thread had their snag items completed and if so how long did you have to wait approximately ?

Morning All!

Keep hassling them Mac123, I know my friend did about her missing wardrobe and eventually they gave in! She was the only one in a block of ten houses that got one, the rest just never asked! Best of Luck!

I did my snag last Monday week(12th of Sept) but still nothing! I had my valuation done on Tuesday and I have to say I'm very pleased with the current value of the property. Althought we have been waiting nearly two years. As soon as I hear anything I'll let you all know.

Thanks muffin1973 for the information on the management fees, did your solicitor get the breakdown for you or did you ask them yourself? My solicitor seems to be taking ages.

You might be interested in this website [broken link removed] , its just some information on Northwood and all the development planned. Probably seen it already!

Hi Pam,

Iam looking to get my aprtment valued at the moment, would you be able to recommend that valuer you got?
Also my mortgage is going to be with AIB and I think they request a specific report type, the lady processing my mortgage said most valuers are aware of the AIB requirements.
Cheers for posting that website, didn't know it existed!


I'm getting my mortgage with Irish Nationwide Building Society and they do the valuation for you. Does AIB not have their own valuer, cause normally the lender does it for you and they charge about €100? I'll ask and see if the valuer that did mine does private valuation or if they know someone good that does. No harm in asking!
Hi Pam,

Last question for you if you don't mind and then i'll leave you in peace.
You say you were very happy with the current valuation of the property assessed by the valuer.
Without asking you the specifics, would you mind letting me know what barcket they placed the current valuation at - e.g. 270-285, 285-300 or 300++
Just curious as i'd like to know what my valuer comes with and cross check it with someone else's.

Many thanks,
Hey Mac123,

I don't mind at all, I think its great to be able to chat to everyone like this and find out all the info. It's not like the builder or estate agent give you any information!

I'll send you an e-mail now and give you all the details that I got from my valuation.

don't have a notion about lymewood mews, but just thought i would give some advice re snag lists. i bought a house about three years ago and the snag list was over 400 items including a door in the wrong place. (basically the bathroom became an ensuite to the second bedroom instead of being accessed re the corridor) Due to window placement etc to correct they had to knock doen the top floor and rebuild. The builder said they would tile all areas, paint etc and do lots of extras if we didn't kick up a fuss, but I wanted the place right so eventually they corrected it. Lucky they did - unfortunately my relationship broke up and we sold the house but if we hadn't insisted on the correction the estate agent said we would have lost 20k on the sale (as no-one wants the only bathroom to be accessed through a bedrrom) so worthwhile insisting on your snag!
Thank you Pam - my email address is <email address removed by ajapale 15-Nov-05>
Hi guys

Mac, I did my snag last monday week as well (12th) and have yet to hear back - they did say before it that it would take up to 7 working days from the day we submitted the snag and we only got it in on the Wednesday cos I forgot to bring it in the next day (I was typing it up) - d'oh! So, we should really hear tomorrow.... not holding my breath though.

Thanks for the website Pam - I haven't seen it before either. Did you see the big Gulliver's Retail Park being built just outside the complex walls? Can't find much info on that - will have a look on the website you mention and see if it's on there.

Our mortgage broker had a final valuation done but they couldn't give me a actual figure as they said the guy just went out to make sure they had built it as the contracts stipulate. Pity, cos I was hoping to find out that we'd made a massive profit on it!! Pam, could you say percentage wise, how much yours has gone up?? No worries if you can't. Re the management fee - I had them emailed to me by Declan Tormey in O'Donnell Sweeney - you can email or call him yourself and he'll send them on (probably faster than getting your solicitor to do it?!)

Hi Guys.
I did not buy in Lymewood Mews but I have a point to make in relation to you wardrobe/boiler....When I was buying a house I was showen around a show house which contained a breakfast counter.I recieved rought floorplans of the house ,which also contained a breakfast counter...When we moved in there was no breakfast counter ,and we were told we must pay extra.
Our solicitor wrapped it up with one phone call..If you are lead to believe your are puchasing a certain standars you must get what you are expecting..Anyway we were the only ones in out area to get a free brekfast counter because the other buyers did not chase it up
Ok, I just spoke to Emma in the office in relation to getting onsite to get the valuation done so I asked her was there any update on my 'missing wadrobe'?

She checked it without Shane and he says "the plans clearly show that its a boiler press in the 2nd bedroom".
Now I said that maybe the case (i just checked and unfortunately it is) but the contract states both bedrooms have wadrobes.

In fairness to her, she didn't say that was the end of the matter but to raise it with Shane on Monday when Iam getting the valuation done.
To which i said "I certainly will be".
So, wonder where that leaves me as one document says one thing but the other one contradicts it.
Suppose only my solicitor can call that one, i will be extremely annoyed to say the least if the developers get away with this.

Any comments ?

Yeah Mac - get your solicitor onto it asap. The builders will be looking for their money soon so it's something you should try to get sorted as soon as. It's a pity showing the boiler on the floor plans wasn't picked up when you were in with your solicitor originally, he really should have seen that. Still, the contracts state there are two wardrobes in the bedrooms so just keep on at them until they relent. Good luck with it.
I just rang my snag lady and she has heard nothing back from them yet.
She submitted our snag list last Monday so it's seven days today, she said it could take up to 2 more weeks as they will have to submit people floor by floor. She also said that she is snagging for someone else there today, so she will ring me tomorrow with an update.
I am confused as initially she said it was looking like it would be really quick, I'm confused, AND impatient!!

If anyone hears anything else let us know!!

It is frustrating trying to co-ordinate, bllinds, floors, removals, notice on flat etc, shen you've no proper date.

Hopefully this will al be over soon!!
Hi Orlaith,

I know, we've had to have the patience of a saint to deal with the wait of two years - now the de-snagging seems to be taking ages! We actually gave our snag list in the Wednesday before yours and have heard nothing but a "thank you for your email, we'll be in touch type of thing" - stating the obvious a bit! At least we're not renting so that's one thing we don't have to worry about. How does your snagger mean that they have to snag people floor by floor? Is it the lower down you are the quicker you get de-snagged (for want of a better word!)? so if you have an apartment on the third floor you'll be waiting longer than someone with one on first floor??

Would you post here tomorrow once you've got your update from your snagger, that'd be really helpful!


I just rang Emma there, and she says they are still hoping to close before the week is out. This is good news!!
I have lined up a guy to put down our floors next Monday and don't want to have to re-schedule that.
Emma is going to talk to Shane tomorrow and will ring me back later on.
She was actually quite nice, and helpful!!

I feel abit better now. Fingers crossed!!
Wow wouldn't that be brilliant - yes, I've talked to emma before (when we originally had to ring to arrange the snag) and she was very helpful and informative. I know from a previous poster that they were planning on having Block C closed by the end of this month alright. I might give her a buzz myself tomorrow to see where our de-snagging is at - will let ye know.
Morning All!

I did my snag list on the 12th so today makes it 12 working days since they received the list and still nothing. Just wondering is anyone closing this week? Anyone? October is approaching fast!

I rang Emma and sent e-mail's but still nothing? Anyone have any information?

Mac, hope your wardrobe problem is being sorted out, your solicitor should of picked that up when you signed the contract anyway. They get paid enough!

Hi Pam / All

Likewise i had snag submitted on the 14th and still nothing back!
Interestingly enough I was in the apartment on Monday do get the valuation done and to my surprise found that most items on my snag list were still to be completed!

I spoke to one of the guys onsite and he said 'off the record' there is least another 2 weeks work there before people can start moving in.

On the matter of the wadrobe, iam not sure now if I going to get my way here as the plans do illustrate a boiler press and not a wadrobe in the 2nd bedroom.
Although in saying that, the contract mentions wadrobes in both bedrooms so...
Meeting my solicitor today to go over the loan offer and will get his advice on the matter.

Let you know how I get on...

The contract you signed said 2 wardrobes so stick to that.

Best of luck Mac!
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