Lump sum in Managed Fund - Stay or Go now?




In 2007 I invested €10k in an International Equity Managed Fund with a well known Irish Bank. The value of this has dropped by 25% by todays date.

I am not an experienced investor and cant decide whether to leave it in or take the hit and put whats left in a safe little savings account for the time being.

A stock analyst friend is advising me to take the hit but I am more inclined to leave it there for now. I will not need to touch it for 3 years or so by which time I expect things to have picked up. And who knows, maybe this fund could do well...

Any advice would be very welcome...


On an overall basis and as the World Economy picks up, equities should recover. I assume that equities are the basis of this Investment. Without knowing who operates the fund and the Management Charges applicable to the fund it is difficult to offer an opinion.

Thanks for getting back. Didnt want to mention fund name as have not posted here before and thought policy of site is to not mention specific shares (and, thus, funds).

The fund is purely equities.


AFAIK, you can name funds and the Providers. If you choose to this you will probably get a better more focused viewpoint. My own personal view is that International Equities really should not get much worse. There is a lot more bad news to come out but overall things should be looking up. As long as the fund is not leaning towards Irish Equities which are fairly goosed in he near term.
AFAIK? Maybe I dont want to know!!!

Fund is - AIB High Yield Equity Fund

Thanks agin,

DG, the saving grace for this one is that again as far as I know, the Investments run by AIB are now run by Hibernian (Aviva). It wouldn't b a major gamble fund, so in the case of recovery should gain a pace quite quickly. Saying that who knows??
Grand. Ok thanks again Mercman. Like you say, who knows what might happen but may try to ride it out.
