Luke Flanagan (MING),salary


Registered User
I just heard him say that he will not take the full 92k salary offered,and will in fact just take 50% of it.
Will other socialist/communist/people before profit follow suit?
There was an article in one of the papers a few days ago in which the Socialist Party, SF, and PbP (I think) said they would only take the average industrial wage, €33K, and give the rest to the party or to local sporting and voluntary organisations. Joe Higgins has always done that. Can't remember which paper it was in.
Just heard him on the radio. He come accross well.
He said the 46K is more than he ever earned in his life and is happy to take it. He is putting the remainder into recreational facilities in his locality.
Have to hand it too him for having the courage of his convictions along with Joe Higgins.
Wonder if others will follow..
I read the other day that the Shinners take just the average industrial wage. The rest goes into party funds so there's no saving to the State.
Wonder if others will follow..
I doubt it, why would they? If I was offered a 92K job there isnt a hope in hell i'd only take 50% of it. Its up to the employer to set the salary appropriately, not the individual to be feel pressured into only taking half of it due to people's "moral outrage" that is now so fashionable.
Did he mention his five joint plan?

Someone text in and asked him about his 2 joint plan.

At one stage JM mentioned that Bertie was socialist and Ming replied "Ah sure Berite was a socialist on a Monday, and a facist on a Friday"
He said the 46K is more than he ever earned in his life and is happy to take it.

So long as he puts in the effort based on a €92k salary he's free to do whatever he wants.

At the end of the day, the job of a TD should involve more hard work and ability than the average job. The pay is higher because of this.

It hasn't always worked out that we got good calibre people, but paying the average wage would certainly be a turn off in terms of putting in the degree of effort that should be required.
I doubt it, why would they? If I was offered a 92K job there isnt a hope in hell i'd only take 50% of it. Its up to the employer to set the salary appropriately, not the individual to be feel pressured into only taking half of it due to people's "moral outrage" that is now so fashionable.

Joe Higgins, Luke Flanagan refuse the full salary out of principle.

They were elected on a platform that they want to politicians in DE who care about the poor in our society and taking a very high salary, which is funded by the tax payers goes against what they believe in.

Fair dues to them.
I heard Ming on the radio yesterday. Very articulate and festy. I knew nothing about the guy before the election, but I now think he will be a real addition to DE. Oireachtas Report in the 33 (?) is going to be interesting for once! They'll have to move it to a prime spot.
I heard Ming on the radio yesterday. Very articulate and festy.

He seems to be - didn't hear him yesterday but have heard him before.

But legalise spamspamspam aside, is he not just another local issues/burn the bondholders guy? Plenty of them around.

Maybe I'm being unfair and I admit that haven't heard a lot of him, but does he have any other platform or anything different to say?
Going on past performances of the shower that were in the last Dail, it's about right.

To be honest, I reckon no TD should be paid more than 80k. 10k extra for ministers and 20k on top for the Taoiseach.
Considering all the valid expenses they can claim for (vouched), then that's a perfectly ample salary.

Politics should never be about making money, but rather doing it out of a sense of patriotism to do something good for your country/people.
Ming has shown his colours on this score (as he has done before) and is to be lauded for it.

I wish FG went with Independents just to get this guy a seat in Govt !
Ming said he will be part of a technical group in the Dail to get speaking rights.
One thing is certain, the dail is going to more lively with Ming, Mick Wallace, Joe Higgins, Shane Ross in it.
Joe higgins used to get under Bertie's skin like no one else.
Just heard him on the radio. He come accross well.
He said the 46K is more than he ever earned in his life and is happy to take it. He is putting the remainder into recreational facilities in his locality.

So he's going to keep whereever he lives in Roscommon, rent or buy a place to stay in Dublin and do all that on €46k a year (before tax and USC), full marks to him if he can afford to do that.

Or is he going to drive up and down every day and claim lots of mileage?
So he's going to keep whereever he lives in Roscommon, rent or buy a place to stay in Dublin and do all that on €46k a year (before tax and USC), full marks to him if he can afford to do that.

Or is he going to drive up and down every day and claim lots of mileage?

He can't win. If he takes the full salary, people will say he's getting paid too much. Now he decides to take half his salary and you're still critising him!