Luceys law: As no of posts rises so prob that someone will blame public sector -> 1.

As a man paid out of the public purse, he should be putting his time to more productive use.
His linkedin profile shows some side gig going for the past few months, looks like he has his own business, managing director

He is both public and private sector now
I think special kudos should go to the AAM member who managed to introduce a anti PS post into the " Christmas , what a crock thread "

Class !

I just checked and it wasn't me. I feel I've let the side down. Must try harder.
Well logically you'll have to blame whomever wields power and influence.

I don't see how blaming the public sector is any different from blaming the banks, builders, etc. The 95% of those organisations who have no real power or influence and the contrarians will be tarred with the same brush as the few at the top that make bad decisions.

It's really an anti-establishment issue. Than banks are on their knees, the catholic church is at an all time low and the Jonny come lately property developers who joined the ranks of the establishment for a decade are ruined.

So the public sector are now under pressure as that part of the establishment that has fared least worst.
Interesting..if there was a major branch of supermarket,who did things the public were not happy with,who we had no choice but to buy from,whose service we were unhappy with,whose wages we also pay,would we then be called "major branch supermarket bashers"..

Shows how idiotic the idea that its bashing and does nothing to reflect how people feel about a system they pay for, which they are not happy with, are powerless to change and cant take their business elsewhere.
If all those who know that change needs to happen in the public service ,the catholic church ,the Major supermarket,etc were simply called bashers,and this was a way of trying to stop them from highlighting an issue,well it simply wont work..people are way too clever to let this type of red herring stop their voices being legitimately heard.

I for one,will continue to dispute bad customer service ,be that in the private sector or the public sector..though interestingly I dont hear those who complain about the private sector being called private sector bashers..why? because it ridiculous and immature.Im glad to be part of a society that can complain freely,but not just on issues that someone else allows me to complain about..

Otherwise, lets have a list of what someone else decides we can complain about.
Just thinking..its only a matter of time,before Im being called a PTSB basher!!
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