I paid my LPT in May for PPR and investment property. Got the letter from revenue asking me to go online to confirm payment type for next year. I noticed that the payment for the investment was not attached i.e. I had not paid it.
Double checked my accounts and can see payment for both properties. I phoned Revenue today as there is no way to sort this issue online. I was holding for 35 mins.
When I got through I was told that I had to speak to headoffice in Ennis but they could not transfer me as the system was broken. Told to call back later or another time.
I asked how would I know that there system would be fixed and that I would not waste another 30 mins waiting....no response other than I had to call back again and hopefully the system would be working again.
An hour of my life I will never get back coupled with the fact that I now have to pay over €800 in properyt tax. I am being pushed and pushed financially. TV liscence due last month €160, tax on two cars last week €700. Doing tax return for 2012 and 2013 - circa €5000. all savings are now gone. A bleak winter ahead.
When is the revolution coming. When are we going to finally say enough is enough.