Lpt on house bought late 2014


Registered User
Contracts for a house purchase were signed in mid October 2014 but I didn't take possession until mid November. The contract states that "the vendor will discharge all LPT relating to the property in advance of the completion of the sale and furnish the purchaser with confirmation of payment on completion of the sale". However this did not happen and my solicitor could not contact the vendor's solicitor to get details of property ID etc. My solicitor advises that LPT liability will remain with the vendor. I would appreciate if anyone could clarify.
Thanks in advance!
See below from Revenue.

I'd be having a little chat with the solicitor. It sounds as if you signed Contracts in October but closed ( handed over the balance of funds) in November. Liability lies with whoever was the owner on 1.11.2014. Unless you handed over funds, and closed, prior to 1.11.2014. It is not acceptable for the solicitor to say "s/he could not contact the vendor's solicitor to get details of property ID etc.". Altho' I'm a bit surprised that any solicitor would not have made a big issue of the LPT. Frankly, we are all very concerned with any possible liability for LPT that now attaches to the property.


3.1 LPT liabilities unpaid at date of sale
Before the sale of a property is completed, a vendor is required to pay up-front any unpaid
LPT due in respect of a liability date falling before the date of sale, even if, in the
ordinary course of events, such liability would not yet be payable. The liability that has
„crystallised‟ at this stage comprises unpaid LPT, accrued interest and any penalty amount
that has been imposed in relation to a vendor‟s self-assessment or a Revenue assessment.
In addition, all outstanding returns must be submitted. Any outstanding „crystallised‟
liability that is not paid by a vendor before the completion of a sale is a charge on the
Sorry to drag an old post back in, but I think this is the closest thread to what is happening to a friend of mine who is looking for advise....

He sold his house A during the summer 2015, not sure of exact date but sometime in jul/aug. The sale was completed in full he moved out new family moved in.

He is currently renting at the moment but got a letter from LPT with Property ID/PIN etc for 2016 and when he rang the revenue thinking it was a mistake about the property he is renting, they said that LPT relates to House A. He advised Revenue that he sold House A last summer but revenue said that House A was only registered in the new family name in Dec15, and therefore it was STILL in his name on 1st November 2015 so he is still liability.

Obviously first point of call is the solicitor who closed the sale he's on holidays for another two weeks and my mate is getting a bit anxious to know where he stands.....anyone any experience of this happening and what was the outcome?

How did you resolve this with Revenue, as my friend really doesnt want to pay 2016 LPT on a property he hasnt owned/lived in for 6 mths or so.

What about checking the Property Price Register to check what date they have for the sale?