LPT notice (via Revenue Online Services) reminding me to pay but Im a tenant.


Registered User
I just got a notice (via Revenue Online Services) reminding me to pay the LPT on my apartment. The trouble is, I don't own the apartment, I rent it.

I assume I should contact Revenue about this rather than ignoring it? I also assume I should in no circumstance pay it myself?
If you don't tell Revenue that you are not liable for it they will end up taking it out of your pay packet.

Contact them and set them straight.
From threshold.ie the tenants advocacy charity.

OP, if you are only renting the apartment, how did the Revenue know, or who told them about your circumstance ?

One of my tenants got the letter in her name-I dont know how they got her name as all these are registered in my name with the NPPR site.

Just goes to show the sham that the letter issuing process was-like why over-ride the NPPR database?
OP should, of course, advise his LL that he received that notification. A decent LL will inform Revenue of this error. (and then include it in tenants rent next rent revue !)

One of my tenants received LPT letter for the whole building, which has a few other apts in it.

I was tempted to tell him, a newcomer to this country, that he should pay Revenue immediately or else face years in forced labour camp (as is the custom in his country for tax evaders). However, I informed Revenue, who had also sent me , via ROS on computer, their LPT estimate for the same building - but with a different valuation !

No, I say I _am_ a tenant. And, yep, I live there.
OP says he has a tenant at that address.
No, Rob1985 did not say he had a tenant at that address. He said he is was a tenant at the address and that he is registered on ROS at this address.

Yes it would be coureous and decent for you to inform your landlord or his agent but it is essential that you contact Revenue yourself directly and immediately. Otherwise you will remain on the system and could be pursued for payment of the local property tax.

From threshold.ie the tenants advocacy charity.

Yep its an easy mistake to make! When some one posts "I rent it" it can mean "I rent it to a tenant" or " I rent it from a landlord". Some people might say "I let it to a tenant" to avoid confusion.