LPT: Deferral options for people earning less than €15k/€25k

Brendan Burgess


The deferral will cost 4% per annum in interest charges. So for those unfortunate enough not to be able to pay the Property Tax the Government will engage in a form of moneylending.
money lending is one thing.
When you don't pay it, you can expect a charge against your house in the event of you selling it.
Another nail in the coffin of the poor.
If you are eligible to defer the property tax due to low income, and your income subsequently increases above the threshold, do you have to pay all the outstanding tax in the next year, or can anything already deferred stay deferred?
If you are eligible to defer the property tax due to low income, and your income subsequently increases above the threshold, do you have to pay all the outstanding tax in the next year, or can anything already deferred stay deferred?

Why would you want to do this when it means that you'll pay more interest?

And advice to the government, if you already anticipate some people will not be able to pay this easily why not allow them to pay it weekly or monthly by direct debit. Bills that are spread out are much easier for people to handle.
Defferal is the category I fall into, but I don't want to volunteer for this, rather it was enforced on me by revenue in case down the line it's proved illegal for some reason and then the ones that 'opted' would be seen as their own hard luck.

If I don't opt for this then they will make me pay on way or another.