Lowlife members of society.

Sounds like an uberbadie, like something in a spiderman movie they merged Seanie Fitz & Michael Fingleton and now we're all going to pay....... into pension funds and exorbitant salaries for woefully bad judgement
I know. I have corrected my original post. I had had a couple of glasses of vino when originally posting!

Yeah, I was attacked in a chipper in Cavan once (the most hostile county Ive ever been out in) simply for saying 'Thanks' to the chipper man. 'Yer wans from Dublin - GET HER!!!!!!'.
Sulkies racing on the road
Common occurrence on the N6 in Ballybrit

Tis our culture boss

The boys in Mill St don't care, easier to clock drivers breaking the ridiculously low speed limit out of Terryland

While I'm here I'll include the lads who stoned me as I cycled past Labre Park, Kylemore Rd, Dublin. Is that culture too?

I notice the google street view car didn't drive in
Not suprised, the driver was wise
Yeah, I was attacked in a chipper in Cavan once (the most hostile county Ive ever been out in) simply for saying 'Thanks' to the chipper man. 'Yer wans from Dublin - GET HER!!!!!!'.

Years ago I was in a Chipper in Killester with a few lads having been for a few in Harry Byrnes,little weasley fella at the top of the queue kept looking over at me then suddenly lunges over..

Him:You lookin at me boird?
Me; Nope.
Him: why not,you sayin shes wrote off?

Sometimes you just have to realise that there's gonna be a fight whether you like it or not,no amt of reasonable dialogue will avoid this sad impasse.

The trick is to get the first dig in good and hard and hope the little cracker who has just ruined your evening stays down.

In the case of the Cavan chipper, my pal and I found ourselves backed up to a wall with a crowd baying for blood, so I jumped straight towards the ring leader and cracked her as good a one as I could under the circumstances (holding onto my chips!) and as she fell/staggered back and to the side I grabbed my pal and tried to exit crouched over commando style through the slight gap that opened, we were bashed about the backs of the head the whole way out (one particularly vicious individual I remember was punching the back of my head wearing rings). My fag went down my sleeve and caused an almighty arm burn which I let a screech about.

At the doorway some sensible lads held the baying crowd back and told us to go on, and as we lurched away up the street one of the original scum continued to shout 'THIS ISNT OVER' - I looked to my pal and said 'whats she gonna do, take a bus back to dublin tomorrow to continue?' I mean seriously!!!

It was a horrible night. It had been hostile prior to the chipper mind you!
Years ago I was in a Chipper in Killester YOUR FIRST MISTAKE!

with a few lads LUCKY FOR YOU

The trick is to get the first dig in good and hard and hope the little cracker who has just ruined your evening stays down. SAD BUT TRUE

As this was years ago that was probably a fairly routine outcome, but the more I read the more wary I get. When did it become acceptable (ok, just to some) to stamp or someones head or kick them repeatedly in the head. And then there's the knife and screwdriver brigade, and the hunt in packs.

I think the mantra I'd pass on to my boys is Look hard (so you're not an obvious target), dont get bladdered, stay in a group, and be prepared to leg it. There's no 'honour' or queensbury rules in the breed of scumbag going the road these times, best not engage at all even if it makes you look soft.
Saw that on facebook last night - apart from the obvious ramifications of people kicking others on the ground, and it actually happening, it was a really poor fight

Where's kerb bitting when you need it!

Shocking journalism too!!

1. The two lads dressed in "summer clothing" are being attacked by the lad in red with an umbrella, who aims the pointed end at one of the mens faces.

2. The friend didnt throw a packet of crisps, he threw a bottle and it hit on of the lads dressed in "summer clothing". The crisps or whatever they were appear to come from the red item he is carrying, a bag maybe.
Shocking journalism too!!

And where did this incident happen ? A short distance from the offices of Independent Newspapers. And yet all they are able to write about it is what anyone could after watching the video. But it's attributed to 'Independent Reporters' ? It took more than one of them ?

Last week, there was a photo on Brian O'Driscoll's Twitter feed. The Irish Independent published it on their website, wrote about 200 words about it, none of which was news, just commentary and non-sequitors about the photo.

Journalism ?
Insurance fraudsters , the ones in minor fender benders who have massive 'injuries' afterwards
OK there's nothing very newsworthy in either of those, but its probably no harm to state what has now become the obvious, the increased prevalence of public order problems. What would make it more interesting is if there was some analysis, proposed solutions etc.

Scary listening to the stuff on Newstalk this morning of the effect all the newer drugs have on people - agressive for days at a time etc. Paramedic talking about finding people passed out on couches with needles stuck in the arm and babies walking around in nappies, not a thing in the house to eat.
What about the people who brought knives to the Phoenix Park concert on Saturday ? Surely there's an island somewhere we could deposit them ? The last person standing can then go to prison for the rest of their years.
And the company who profited hugely from having a concert with music synonymous with drug taking and getting 'out of it' without proper security, or even patting down on entry. Things were getting out of control quite early and nothing was done. Off topic, sorry, but I am furious about this, and what I have heard from teens about the sheer volume of ecstasy that was offered randomly at this event.
People who can't go to a concert without taking mind bending drugs, too much alcohol, and a knife to stab innocent people with.

They are giving this country a bad name.

That would make a deadly short story!
1. Hypocritical uber sleazy politicians that make investments in private business in parallel areas that they cynically engage in making cuts in public funding

2 Law breaking & red light running "cyclists"