Lowest Fees Regular Investment Accounts


Registered User
Hello All

About 12 months ago I investigated the information for the Standard Life Synergy Regular Invest product.

It outlined the following:

[1]. Allocation rate: For premiums more than €500 per month an additional 1% to the premium as is it is paid. (which negated the gov. levy)
[2]. Entry and Exit fees were 0%.
[3]. The Vanguard funds available charged an annual management fee of 0.9%

That seemed to be to be very attractive however, I I seem to have missed the boat due to inaction.

I am not asking for investment advice, but I was wondering if forum users could suggest Investment products that they think have comparatively low management/entry/exit fees.

I thought the 1% bonus Standard life was offering was very good, and I have not seen anything similar on the market.

Best regards.
Are the Vanguard fees of 0.9% on top of the fees in the funds or is that the fees the fund was charging?
@1dave123 thanks for the response. Looks very good.
@jpd the 0.9% was the total annual management fee charged by Standard life. There were separate entry/exit costs.
So the 0.9% is on top of the Vanguard fees in the fund itself?
Hi @jpd It is was the total at the time because there were no other fees applied - the table below was 0% in each category.
That is not the case any more as you can see below. (latest table)

That looks like a generic KID and would not be representative of the charging structure you outlined in the original post. Early exit charges always applied to Standard Life savings contracts as far as I know.

KIDs are indicative of the worst charging structure product you could buy from the company. All companies.

I'm not 100% sure on whether the Other Ongoing Costs applicable to Vanguard funds are inclusive or exclusive of the 0.9% AMC but they're nowhere near the levels quoted in the KID - more like (less than) 0.20%.

