Lower alcohol Guinness


Registered User
I hear Guinness are testing a new low alcohol Guinness down in Limerick

Given that the excise duty and vat will be lower on this drink, would it be unreasonable or naive of me to expect to pay a lower price at the bar?

I'm waiting to hear how much more expensive it is to brew this product blah blah blah.

norn iron guinness was always either 4 or 4.2. I bough a slab for Christmas in aldi Dundalk for €37.99 and it was 4.2. checked the slabs in tesco and they too were 4.2. when did this happen. Plain used to be 4.3.
You'd think that they'd have learned their lesson with the ill fated Guinness Light.
I was reading an article in the paper last week where 2 out of the 5 people interviewed about this new Guinness were delighted as they could now have a couple of pints and drive! Hardly the intention behind this new brew.
Maybe I'm dense but I have never got the point of low alcohol beer or alcoholic lemonade.
It's called "Guinness Mid-Strength" as far as I know - so I reckon they've got a problem immediately - whatever people said about the stuff tasting ok , what self respecting bloke is gonna go to the bar and say "2 pints of Guinness Mid-Strength please" !
If people want half strength stout why don't they just drink half as much as they normally do?
Berlin said:
Maybe I'm dense but I have never got the point of low alcohol beer or alcoholic lemonade.
As Billy Connolly (I think....) said - It's a bit like intimate relations with a blow-up woman. Not that I'd know anything about such matters, of course............
Sure you're not thinking of Sting there, Observer?

I think it says a lot about Irishmen's insecurities (or maybe the notorious 'rounds' culture?) that we'd rather pay over the odds for low-alcohol or no-alcohol beer that we don't really want, rather than be seen to 'refuse a pint'. A good friend of mine, when he's the designated driver, forks out about €8 a go to have the barman pour him two bottles of Kaliber/Clausthaler/Becks 0% into a pint glass, so he won't 'look like a wuss'...
Different to the Brew 39 yoke?

As one barman put it when I asked what the diffenence was... "Its Leaded and Unleaded, mate!"
According to the Diageo web site Guinness Mid-Strength is 2.8% ABV.

AFAIK normal guinness is 4.3%.

If it tastes good then then it should prove a winner, especially withpeople so concerned with drinking and driving.

I read during the week that Guinness sales are down 9% so it is not too surprising that they would want to make inroads into new or lost markets. I was talking to a barman last night who confirmed that his Guinness sales were down. He blamed it on, among other things, the smoking ban. He also said however that loads of the young people had changed over and were drinking pints of Fosters at E3.10 a pint rather than paying E4.70 for the normal lagers.

Personally, I prefer the taste of Beamish and at .50c a pint cheaper than Guinness, the price difference alone makes it taste even better. There is a big difference between E3.50 and E4.00

Murt10 said:
Personally, I prefer the taste of Beamish
Same here but it's very hit and miss in Dublin. Anybody know a reliable source for draught Beamish in Dublin?
Guinness blames the smoking ban and the growth in popularity of drinking at home for the fall in sales. Most of my friends smoke and I have seen no evidence of them curtailing the amount of time they spend in the pub since the smoking ban was introduced, or spending more time drinking at home.

Does anyone have any facts to support the views of Guinness? Could it just be a case that their product is gradually losing it's appeal, espcially among younger drinkers?

Whenever I find Fosters for €3/€3.50 I tend to opt for it over Carlsberg. The Isacc Butt had Bud for €3.50 a pint last night.

You'd think with all the market research Guinness & their parent company can do, they would have discovered what the problem really was, would'nt you

Anyway, another example of us getting ripped off I guess .. although having said that, I was guilty of paying €8 for a pint in Paris, the weekend of the Ire-vs-France game & I can assure you, I was far from being alone :redface:

Must keep an eye out for the Fosters then, is it only in certain pubs ?


Garrettod said:
.. although having said that, I was guilty of paying €8 for a pint in Paris, the weekend of the Ire-vs-France game & I can assure you, I was far from being alone :redface:

You certainly weren't-not much to be gained from 'shopping around' in Paris either.

Garrettod said:
Must keep an eye out for the Fosters then, is it only in certain pubs ?

Yes, Life Bar for sure, maybe The Long Stone, I can't recall where else I've seen it.
ClubMan said:
Same here but it's very hit and miss in Dublin. Anybody know a reliable source for draught Beamish in Dublin?

I was in Martin's on Ballymun Ave in Finglas earlier today. Perfect pint of Beamish. Lot of auwl fellas drinking it (always a good sign).

E3.85 for Guiness, E3.35 for Beamish.

Thanks - nearly made it there at Xmas when visiting the in-laws. Might try it next time I'm up there. Any other recommendations on where to get good Beamish in Dublin?
Guinness blames the smoking ban and the growth in popularity of drinking at home for the fall in sales...

Translation: People dont want to spend €5 a pint anymore...
None of the pubs that I frequent charge aything near €5 for a pint of Guinness.