Low water pressure after extension


Registered User
Hi there,

we've just completed a lovely kitchen extension to our house in Kimmage, prior to the buid the water pressure in the house was grand, not brilliant but grand. However since the new kitchen went in its much poore, not too bad upstairs but very poor in the new kitchen. our new gas condenser boiler is only showing a half bar of pressure.

My neighbors dont seem to have the same problem suggesting the problem is my own supply. I do remember when the gas meter was being connected the guys digging telling me wy water pipe was poorly buried and was quite close to, if not lying on, the surface of the front garden

anyone any ideas what i should do or alternately can you explain what sort of pump i would need and does it go in the attic tank or elsewhere

Many people confuse poor water pressure and poor water flow. When you first turn on the tap does the water come out grand but then peter out, if so it is a water flow problem not pressure. if it is low constatntly, then it is a pressure problem.

low water pressure can be caused by a number of reasons.
1. Generally poor water pressure in an area (this doesn't seem to be your problem as you had ok pressure before and your neighbour has ok water pressure)
2. a leak in the service pipe inot your house could have a leak somewhere on it. It may have been burst or damaged during the build. You would have to find where it was leaking and fix it, or sometimes it is easier to replace the whole pipe.

Low water flow is generally caused by an obstruction in the pipe, this is common after a new build. The pipe could be kinked, or compressed somewhere closing of some of the flow, or a bit of dirt could have got down the pipe and is causing a partial obstruction.
thanks Niall,

as i said the guys installing the gas line showed me my pipe running along the surface of the garden so damage may have occurred then. Should it be necessary is it expensive to replace the pipe from mains into the house ?