Low water pH


Registered User
Got my water tested and pH came back 5.6. Told I would need a dosing system @1000 euro to sort the problem out - supposedly will kill anything copper etc after a while. Anyone had a similar system?
Our water was high in maganese and iron. I haven't got the system installed yet, but it was around 1600 euros.. But I need to build a larger pump house to house the system (as it is too small for the system). check the internet for you exact issue
I found information [broken link removed] useful for my issue
Not a bad site - cheers. Mainly want to find out if these systems actually work and how much work is involved. Mate told me he thinks his neighbour had one of these systems put in and it didn't work -- he thinks !
Tks sue but not too helpful. My water is just acidic - bath is going blue - and afraid my baby girl might too !!
the EC guidelines for drinking water are for a pH between 6.5 and 9.5. (The scale is 0-14 where 7 is netural) I suggest you get in touch with your local council to see if they have a list of suppliers for dosing systems. If they don't then I suggest you get them to reccomend someone to test it again. If you genuinely have a problem and no one else does after one test then you need to suspect that data. I would not accept that you need a dosing system after one test.

EC directive on drinking water:
[broken link removed]
hi there...is your water coming from a bore hole well or from the county council supply??

i suspect it is from a well??
From my own well - bought house second hand and surprise surprise I was not told about the water. They knew about it as well - the next door neighbours are the previous owners parents and they are having the same problems. Talking to the husband and he said they are changing the lines to q/plex and putting in a stainless steel hot tank. Cant give him grief about it - new neighbours and all that !
ah ok...very acidic water..thats quiet unusual for well water...i wonder what id causing that. Its also causing a reaction with the copper piping if the bath etc is going blue. I presume a dosing system will release calcium/bicarbonate into the water to neutralise the water?

sorry if i am asking a lot of questions but my area of expertise is growing ans science of commercial horticultural crops so am well used to dealing with having to adjust the pH of the water..depending on the water source.
a blue coloration from copper is (if memory serves) CuSO4 - copper sulphate. So next question, what is the source of the sulphate? Fertiliser ? I'd be checking the EPA website for any industries in your area licensed to release/handle anything like this... the sulphate is only what you can see, what can you not see.....?
Managed to find a site for water filtration systems. Seems to say blue colour is just from the water attacking the copper. Water is a bit high in iron as well so whatever solution i get will have to deal with both. The crowd who tested the water say they can sort it out but I would like to know if it will actually work and for how long i.e. would be handy if someone already used something like this and had info.
dude, my advice would be to get an independent test done,
I got mine done by Tellabs in Carlow, they got 3 quotes. It cost 130 euros for the full set of tests. But the results are independent as they DONT sell any treatment systems,
Bord na Mona carry out testing of water. They are a state body. Also I would ring up the EPA and report the problems with your water and ask them to investigate. There may be a farmer or industry breaking regulations in relation to the amount of toxins being released from their premises or land. Is your house near a river and is it very rural? i would find out exactly is in your water because it could affect your quality of life later on. The EPA will also give you advise on what system to get in and who to talk to. Will save you some oney in the long run