Low cost conveyancy


Registered User
Looking for a low cost solicitor to purchase a property.

Can't seem to find any recent threads.

Can anybody recommend a solicitor & their fees?
There are lots of exsting threads on this topic which you should be able to find by searching/browsing.

It's "conveyancing" by the way.
That link is unlikely to work for long if at all for other posters as (a) it uses the raw IP address rather than the host name of the site and (b) it uses a search id which will time out sooner rather than later or may be specific to the poster who creates the search results.
Sorry - should have posed the question more clearly. It's more relevant where YOU are than where the property is, as you'll need to visit the solicitor to sign documents. Where are you?
www.propertylawyer.ie recently launched, provides online legal service and, afaik, only on-line case tracker system in country.

Disclosure: I have an interest in this service.
You could also look at [broken link removed] who offer conveyancing at fixed rates.

(no connection other than a past customer).